Personal Loan
When evaluating personal loan options with non-bank private lenders, the best option for you depends on your specific circumstances. If you are currently looking for urgent personal fundings but are unable to do so due to over-leveraging and poor credit grading, Capitale-3 will be able to provide you the following personal loans solutions (as long as you are qualified as an Accredited Investor):
Up to $1,500,000/-
6 months to 5 years
From 2% per month onwards
Not compulsory for loans less than $150,000/-.
What Is An Accredited Investor*
An Accredited Investor (“AI”) is an individual who meets any of the following requirements (as defined under Section 4A(1)(a)(i) of the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289) set out by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and has opted in to be treated as an AI:
- Minimum income of S$300,000 in the last 12 months (or its equivalent in a foreign currency); or
- Net personal assets exceeding S$2 million, of which the net value of your primary place of residence can only contribute up to S$1 million; or
- Net financial assets exceeding S$1 million (or its equivalent in a foreign currency); or
- Hold a joint account with an Accredited Investor, in respect of dealings through that joint account.

Our Target Audience
High income earner / Private Property Owner who are qualified as Accredit Investor (“AI”) but is unable to qualify for unsecured personal loans from the banks due to:
- Over leveraging – excessive bank borrowings
- Immediate loan request > 6 x monthly income limit
- Bad Credit Bureau (CBS) grading (EE and below)
- Urgent loan disbursement requests for personal (debt consolidation, refinancing of credit card debts, investments) & business use
Eligibility Requirements
- Borrower must qualify as AI who satisfy at least one of the requirements as per defined under Section 4A(1)(a)(i) of the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289).
- Computerised payslips for past 12 months with minimum monthly salary of SGD 25,000/- (& supporting bank statements evidencing the salary crediting)
- Singaporean or PR with local property ownership.
- No pending / on-going litigation cases for past 3 years.
- Complete KYC searches (including World-Check) done without adverse records found.
- Personal bank account month-end balance for past 3 months must be at least > $50,000/-.